Second-hand sales of chrome-plated wagons
Chrome-plated wagon and upper basket
We sell second hand!
- This is our rental wagon.
- There are some scratches and stains per second hand.Please note that there are individual differences in the degree of scratches and dirt.
- It has been inspected and maintained, so there is no problem in using it.
- As this is a second-hand product, we cannot replace it due to failure or damage after use.note that.
Shipping/Packing fee
*Shipping fee is for one chrome-plated wagon.
*Hokkaido and Okinawa will be quoted each time
Shippings | Wagon ¥3,960/Upper basket ¥3,410 | ||||
Region | Shikoku | Chugoku | Kansai | Hokuriku | Tokai |
Tokushima Kagawa Ehime Kochi |
Tottori Shimane Okayama Hiroshima Yamaguchi |
Shiga Kyoto Osaka Hyogo Nara Wakayama |
Toyama Ishikawa Fukui |
Gifu Shizuoka Prefecture Aichi Mie |
Shippings | Wagon ¥4,620 / Upper basket ¥ 3,410 |
Wagon ¥4,840 / Upper basket ¥ 3,960 |
Region | Shin-Etsu | Kanto | Kyusyu | South Tohoku | North tohoku |
Niigata Nagano |
Ibaraki Tochigi Gunma Saitama Chiba Tokyo Kanagawa Prefecture Yamanashi Prefecture |
Kumamoto Miyazaki Kagoshima Fukuoka Saga Nagasaki Oita |
Miyagi Yamagata Prefecture Fukushima |
Aomori Iwate Akita |
*All shipping costs include tax.
Please refer to this page for ordering procedures and notes.