Vivo realizes the desired image of the customer
It is a phantasmagoric glass shelf fixture!

dice mold

Glass shelf fixture (Abst fixture) Vivo dice type
Glass shelf fixture (Abst fixture) Vivo dice type usage example

Pyramid type

Glass shelf fixtures (Abst fixtures) Vivo pyramid type
Example of using Vivopyramid type glass shelf fixtures (Abst fixtures)

shelf type

Glass shelf fixtures (Abst fixtures) Vivo shelf type
Glass shelf fixture (Abst fixture) Vivo shelf type usage example

In addition, pipes can be combined to create various shapes.

Glass shelf fixture (Abst fixture) Vivo normal display type
Normal display type
Glass shelf fixtures (abst fixtures) Vibo tiered type
Hinata type
Glass shelf fixtures (Abst fixtures) Vivo counter stand
living counter stand

Vivo model variation

  • Glass shelf fixture (abst fixture) Vivo, variation 1
  • Glass shelf fixture (abst fixture) Vivo, variation 2
  • Glass shelf fixture (abst fixture) Vivo, variation 3
  • Glass shelf fixture (Abst fixture) Vivo, variation 4
  • Glass shelf fixture (abst fixture) Vivo, variation 5
  • Glass shelf fixture (abst fixture) Vivo, variation 6

Vivo price example

*All prices include tax.

2 step caster

Product No:-

3 step caster…

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2 rows x 1 row cast …

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3 rows x 1 step caster …

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2 x 2 tiers with casters

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3 rows x 2 stages with casters

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2 rows x 3 tiers with casters

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With 3-2 type casters

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With 3-1-1 type casters

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With M-3 type casters

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With 3-2-3 type casters

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3 x 3 tiers with casters

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Glass shelf fixtures (Abst fixtures) 300 square dice

300 square dice

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450 square dice

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600 square dice

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